Tech Policy
CS has a dedicated Technology person to assist faculty members at the school in enhancing learning through technology. Technology instruction at CS emphasizes content learning while strengthening technology skills of students, teachers and staff. Teachers use these methods and tools in to order enhance instruction in the content areas:
- Collaborative Environments, i.e. social networking platforms, community Web sites, classroom management systems, multiplayer gaming environments, or virtual worlds
- Online Communication Tools, i.e. instant messaging, online conferencing, micro-blogging platforms, and online broadcasting
- Mobiles, graphing calculators, and laptops
- Cloud Computing, i.e. Flicker, Google, and YouTube, which are virtual servers available over the Internet
- Smart Boards
- Smart Objects, i.e. devices that use quick response codes and are connected to larger information sources or interactive books and maps
- Personalized Web pages, blogs, and blackboard-type online communication tools through which teachers can tag, categorize, publish, and review work online
- Virtual learning
Co-Curricular Programs
Co-curricular programs play a significant role in the culture of the school. Students are engaged in projects and activities before and after school. CS students participate in five main categories of events – clubs, special interest groups, annual school-wide events, field trips, and sports.
School Culture and Climate
CS focuses on establishing a culture that values and celebrates success, teaches shared values, sets high expectations, builds pride, and fosters a sense of community and belonging. The culture and climate of the school incorporates five essential attributes:
- Focus on Student Achievement
- High Expectations
- Commitment
- Determination
- Involvement
Serving Specialized Population
Special education programs and services at CS are provided in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations as well as the individual student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The CS faculty and administration work collaboratively with the district or other companies in providing high quality services to students with disabilities. A Special Education Coordinator is responsible for conducting IEP meetings to assess, review and revise IEP’s. Auxiliary and related services identified through the IEP (such as speech and language service or physical therapy for example) are provided by the District or special companies.
Students with disabilities have an equal opportunity with students in the regular education program to participate in, and where appropriate, receive credit for non-academic, extracurricular and ancillary programs, services, and activities. Students with disabilities receive the same notices concerning school-sponsored programs, activities, and services as other students.
Providing a healthy culture that promotes safety, security, strong relationships, and a sense of belonging are some of the most critical components for providing a framework to support students with at-risk characteristics. Within this type of environment, students feel secure in approaching faculty and support staff for assistance.
Students at the CS with limited proficiency in English achieve proficiency in the English language through the use of the school’s services and teaching methods. CS hires at least one certified ESL teacher and adapt staffing according to the student population. CS ensures that ELL (English Language Learner) students will not be excluded from curricular and extracurricular activities based on an inability to speak and understand the language of instruction. Parents whose English proficiency is limited receive notices and information from the school in their native language so that CS is able to encourage the participation of all parents in the CS community.